Some curiosities about Siamese cats

Siamese cats are beautiful, elegant, charming, sweet, delicate.

We could list endlessly the characteristics of these sweet animals with whom we decided to share our home and our life. If we already live with a cat of this breed, we already know a lot about it.

If instead we have decided to adopt a Siamese cat, perhaps we would like to be aware of some curiosities and peculiarities that distinguish it and make it truly unique.

Here are some curiosities about Siamese cats:

Di Karin Langner-Bahmann, upload von Martin Bahmann - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.w
Siamese cats are beautiful, elegant, charming, sweet, delicate. Here are some curiosities that you may not have known
Fun fact: Siamese cats definetelty are an ancient breed. They come from Siam, which today is Thailand.
Di Syed Zillay Ali - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Surely among the breeds of cats the Siamese are the most famous and also the most loved, for their incredible appearance
Fun fact: At first only the Thai royal family could adopt a cat of this breed.
Di Noelia Schulz - Fotografia autoprodotta, FAL,
Siamese have a slender body, triangular head, soft fur and have beautiful blue eyes that make us fall in love with them at first glance
Fun fact: Did you know that the color of their fur comes from a genetic mutation similar to that of albinism?
Di Phaithai Cattery - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Siamese cats are smart, they love their family, they love to play and they are the best friend you can have in the house
Curiosity: the cat's body has different temperatures. It has a thermal gene so the darkest areas of the body are the coldest.
Cats and especially Siamese cats are among the most common pets . It is a cat that loves to play.  He never wants to sit still 
Fun fact: once they had their eyes crossed. And the tail twisted.
Siamese cats are not actually a single breed: from the original to the modern one there are many differences
Curiosity: according to tradition, the Siamese cat is the guiding spirit of the dead.
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