Snow has arrived in the Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration. Photos

As in the rest of the southern hemisphere, winter is slowly arriving in Australia. The cold, snow and frost also arrived in Sydney, one of the continent's most important cities, where one of the country's largest zoos is located.

Snow therefore fell abundantly on the Sydney Zoo, and the animals celebrated the change of season with a bit of play in the snow and plenty of snacks from the park's staff.

Kangaroos, rodents and other animals enjoyed a beautiful day surrounded by everyone's attention, which was certainly good for the harmony of the animals themselves but also for the zoo workers and visitors.

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Snow arrives in Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration and full bellies
As in the rest of the southern hemisphere, winter is slowly arriving in Australia. The cold, snow and frost is also arriving in Sydney, one of the continent's most important cities and home to one of the country's largest zoos.
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Snow arrives in Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration and full bellies
Snow therefore fell abundantly on the Sydney Zoo, and the animals celebrated the change of season with a bit of play in the snow and plenty of snacks received from park staff.
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Snow arrives in Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration and full bellies
Yellow-footed rock wallabies eat treats on 31 May 2023 in Sydney, Australia.
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Snow arrives in Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration and full bellies
Kofi, Goodfellow's endangered arboreal kangaroo, looks curiously at a snowman.
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Snow arrives in Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration and full bellies
Kofi is very taken with this cute little snowman.
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Snow arrives in Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration and full bellies
Many species in the zoo naturally undergo seasonal changes within their natural habitats.
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Snow arrives in Sydney Zoo: animals in celebration and full bellies
The world-famous kangaroos on Kangaroo Island quietly eat their treats, for that is what they are, to celebrate the arrival of winter and the first snow.
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