Eight common animals of a color you won't believe is real

Welcome to the photo gallery 'Eight ordinary animals with a colour you won't believe is real'. There are animals in nature that seem to have stepped out of a fantasy painting, with colours so extraordinary that they seem almost unreal.

In this photo gallery we present eight common animals but with a colour that will leave you speechless.

Get ready to discover creatures with surprising shades and colours so bright that they seem to have come out of a fantasy world, but actually exist on our planet Earth. Browse the photo gallery and visit our portal to discover many interesting facts about the incredible world of animals.

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Eight common animals with a color you won't believe is real
There are animals in nature that seem to have stepped out of a fantasy painting, with colours so extraordinary that they seem almost unreal. In this photo gallery, we present eight animals that are common but with a colour that will leave you speechless. Get ready to discover creatures with astonishing shades and colours so bright that they seem to have come out of a fantasy world, but actually exist on our planet Earth.
By L. Shyamal - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Red snail - Indrella
Indrella is a monotypic genus containing the single species Indrella ampulla, a tropical terrestrial gastropod mollusc of the family Ariophantidae. Indrella ampulla is the only species of the genus Indrella, however the animal's colour is polymorphic: the visible soft parts of the snail can be various colours, including red and pale yellow. This species is found in the Western Ghats of India, particularly on the wetter western slopes of the Wynaad, Nilgiri and Anaimalai hills, at moderate altitudes (3,000 feet): it lives in moist forests, particularly in tropical rainforest.
Di Chaos - Trasferito da de.wikipedia su
Blue lobster - Homarus gammarus
The lobster is a decapod crustacean belonging to the family Nephropidae. Bluish in colour, this lobster has yellow patches on its back and a pale belly. It possesses two pairs of antennae and eight locomotor legs, as well as two chelates. Common specimens measure between 30 and 40 centimetres. The lobster is found in the eastern parts of the Atlantic Ocean, from north-western Norway to the Azores and Morocco. Its presence is common throughout the Mediterranean and north-west of the Black Sea and in the Baltic Sea. This crustacean lives on underwater rocks, rarely below 50 m, but up to a maximum of 150.
By Bjørn Christian Tørrissen - Own work by uploader,, CC BY-SA
Albino crow (white)
The scientific name of the genus, Corvus, is also the basis of the common name crow by which most species ascribed to the genus belonging to the corvidae family are known. Specifically, the albino raven has white feathers, while its beak and eyes are pink: albino ravens are not common as parents with the same recessive gene are required to produce them. Albinism is in fact a genetic mutation that prevents the production of melanin in the body, resulting in a complete lack of colour.
By Kangwira - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Black rooster - Ayam Cemani
The Ayam Cemani is a rare breed of chicken from Indonesia. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (fibromelanosis), making the chicken mostly black, including feathers, beak and internal organs. The Cemani is a popular cockfighting rooster in Bali because their thighs have much more muscle than other chickens, which makes them much faster. As a pure Indonesian breed, the breed originates from the island of Java, Indonesia, and has probably been used since the 12th century for religious and mystical purposes.
By Gilles San Martin - originally posted to Flickr as Chrysochraon dispar female, CC BY-SA 2.0, http
Pink Grasshopper - Chrysochraon
Chrysochraon is a genus of grasshoppers of the tribe Chrysochraontini within the subfamily Gomphocerinae. They are mainly found in continental Europe (not in the British Isles or Scandinavia) from the Pyrenees to Russia.
By Stellarkid - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Rainbow Grasshopper - Dactylotum bicolor
Dactylotum bicolor, also known as the rainbow grasshopper is a species of grasshopper in the family Acrididae. It is native to the United States, Canada and northern Mexico and displays aposematism (warning colouration). It is found in short grass prairies, desert grasslands, sparsely vegetated areas and alfalfa fields throughout the western Great Plains of the United States (and southern Canada), southern Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and northern Mexico.
By Stephenkniatt at English Wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons., Public Domain, ht
Albino squirrel
The albino squirrel is actually a North American grey squirrel, or eastern grey squirrel to distinguish it from the western species (Sciurus griseus): it is a rodent mammal of the family Sciuridae. It measures about 25 cm in length, with an average total weight of about half a kilogram. It appears that the incidence of melanistic individuals is higher in the north, where this characteristic results in less heat loss, while albino specimens are more frequent in urbanised areas, where predation is much lower.
Photo credit should read DANIEL SORABJI/AFP via Getty Images
Pink dolphin - Sousa chinensis
The Indo-Pacific susa, also known as the Chinese white dolphin or pink dolphin, is a species of dolphin widespread in the tropical waters of the central Indo-Pacific. The coloration comes from the many subcutaneous blood vessels that serve for thermoregulation. These dolphins live in warm, shallow coastal waters as well as brackish water. There are only 6,000 of this species left in the world. (Pictured is the pink dolphin, swimming in the waters off the coast of Hong Kong.)
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