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Flying foxes released in an Australian park, photos

Staff from Friends of Bats and Bushcare, Megan Davidson and Tamsyn Hogarth, have released a number of flying foxes.

The flying foxes were inside the shelter Fly By Night in Melbourne (Australia), where they were bred, and were released in the Yarra Bend Park in the same city.

Flying foxes live mainly in primary and secondary forests. Some species tolerate human presence and thus also inhabit gardens, plantations and cities. Others, however, prefer mountain environments. Species are found in sub-Saharan Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, Malaysia and some islands in Polynesia.

Some flying fox specimens released in Australia
Staff from Friends of Bats and Bushcare, Megan Davidson and Tamsyn Hogarth, have released some flying foxes.
The release took place in a Melbourne park
The flying foxes were inside the  Fly By Night shelter in Melbourne (Australia), where they were bred, and were released at the Yarra Bend Park in the same city.
Where the flying foxes live
Flying foxes live mainly in primary and secondary forests. Some species tolerate human presence and thus also inhabit gardens, plantations and cities.
Places where flying foxes can be found
Other species of flying foxes prefer mountain environments. Species are found in sub-Saharan Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, Malaysia and some islands in Polynesia.
Why they are called flying foxes
This species of bat has large eyes with a developed visual function, useful both for flight and for searching for food. The snout is generally elongated and resembles that of a fox, which is why these bats are also known as flying foxes.
What they eat
Flying foxes have a well-developed sense of smell, mainly used to recognize different species of fruits and flowers, the main source of their food.
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