Do you love turtles? Here are seven curiosities to know

In common language the term turtle indicates both categories, but specifically to turtles belong the aquatic species, freshwater or marine while the tortoises are all the species that have adapted to terrestrial life.

In this photo gallery we have collected a series of curiosities about turtles. Here's the first: sea turtles can't retreat into their shells. This happens because, unlike other turtles, they do not need to protect themselves from predators, since their life takes place in the water.

Continue reading to discover the other curiosities about turtles.

Turtles and tortoises, what is the difference
In common language the term turtle indicates both categories, but specifically to turtles belong the aquatic species, freshwater or marine while the tortoises are all the species that have adapted to terrestrial life. Sea turtles cannot retreat into their shells because, unlike other turtles, they do not need to protect themselves from predators, since their life takes place in the water. Continue reading to discover the other curiosities about turtles.
When did turtles appear on Earth?
Turtles have existed almost always: they appeared over 200 million years ago and are among the oldest reptiles among those in existence.
Turtles feel great
Yes, they are the reptiles most sensitive to sounds. Some species of turtles can perceive frequencies of about 50-1500 Hz.
Turtles are toothless. How do they feed?
Some species of turtles have keratin structures on the palate, around the jaw and also in the esophagus. These structures help them retain and process food. Other species rely on the serrated shape of the jaw to tear off the algae or vegetation they feed on.
Do turtles hibernate?
No, turtles do not hibernate but are able to wake up from sleep depending on the temperature. For example, when the water starts to heat up, the turtle's metabolism increases, which makes it more active.
Sea turtles communicate before they are born
When still in the egg, in the period just before birth (hatching) turtles are able to hear the sounds emitted by females grouped in water. The young inside the eggs emit specific sounds that serve to communicate with the other eggs and synchronize for hatching.
Turtles can drown
Water turtles also breathe air, they can hold their breath for a very long time but if trapped underwater they eventually drown.
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