A Przewalski's horse filly was born at the Warsaw Zoo, photos

A Przewalski's horse filly was born on January 26, 2023 in the Warsaw Zoo in Poland. The Przewalski's horse is the only wild horse in the world and is an endangered species.

Birth in the Warsaw Zoo
A Przewalski's horse filly was born Jan. 26, 2023, in the Warsaw Zoo, Poland.
An endangered species
Przewalski's horse is the only wild horse in the world and is an endangered species.
Its origin
Przewalski's horse is a rare wild horse native to Central Asia.
The cloning of specimens of this species
In 2020, the first cloned of Przewalski's horse was born, the result of a collaboration between San Diego Zoo Global, ViaGen Equine and Revive & Restore.
Its physical structure
Przewalski's horse is sturdy but also smaller and shorter than its domestic relatives.
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