From mice to humpback whales: 5 non-volatile animals that sing

From mice to humpback whales: five non-volatile animals that sing.

Would you have ever said that birds, besides humans, are not the only animals that sing? Yes, other species in the animal kingdom possess this particular characteristic. Some are land animals, others live in the depths of the seas and oceans, but they have something in common: singing.

From mice to humpback whales, here is a list of five animals whose sounds are very similar to songs.

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From mice to humpback whales: five non-volatile animals singing
Would you have ever said that birds, besides humans, are not the only animals that sing? Yes, other species in the animal kingdom possess this particular characteristic. Some are land animals, others live in the depths of the seas and oceans, but they have something in common: singing. From mice to humpback whales, here is a list of five animals whose sounds are very similar to songs.
Mice produce ultrasonic sounds, inaudible to the human ear, which are used to woo their partner, to ward off predators and rivals in love and even to make themselves recognizable. According to some scientific studies, the sounds emitted by some species of mouse are equipped with repeating pattern , making them very similar to birdsong. (source:
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Humpback whale
The singing skills of humpback whales are well known: these animals sing to woo and to indicate the presence of food to their companions. Humpback whales can "sing" even for ten hours in a row and even at great depths. (source:
By Utahcamera at en.wikipedia -, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.or
Antelope Squirrel
This particular species of ground squirrel native to Central America particularly loves to sing in spring. In fact, this animal emits a sound that can be defined as a "trill". (source:
Killer whale
Like humpback whales, killer whales also produce sounds to communicate that by composition they are very close to songs. These cetaceans even have specific calls belonging to each family that members use to be identified. (source:
By The High Fin Sperm Whale - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Pseudacris regilla / Pacific tree frog
This particular species of frog native to America is known for the sounds it produces. The males in summer sing both to attract females, and in defense of their territory. The call of "Baja California Treefrog" is known and used worldwide as a nightly background sound in many films. (source:
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