Animals rescued after the earthquake in Turkey, photos

After the very serious earthquake that struck Turkey on 6 February in the south-east of the country, there are many stories of animals that were rescued within a few or many hours.

Rescuers rescued and cared for dogs, cats but also horses and other animals. Recent stories are, for example, the rescue of a dog pulled alive from the debris 23 days after the earthquake or the rescue of a horse, found apparently in good condition, 21 days after the collapse.

Also famous is the story of the cat Enkaz, rescued by a rescuer and made famous on social media because from that moment on he would not leave the rescuer's side.

Animals victims of the earthquake in Turkey
After the very serious earthquake that struck Turkey last Feb. 6 in the southeastern part of the country, there are so many stories of animals that were rescued within hours or many hours.
Stories of rescued animals
Rescuers have rescued and cared for dogs, cats but also horses and other animals. Recent stories, for example, are the rescue of a dog pulled alive from the debris 23 days after the earthquake or the rescue of a horse, found apparently in good condition, 21 days after the collapses.
The cat Enkaz
Also famous is the story of the cat Enkaz, rescued by a rescuer and made famous on social media because from that moment he would not leave the rescuer's side.
Pictures of animals rescued after the earthquake in Turkey
Not only dogs and cats but also other pets rescued after the earthquake.
Dogs and cats rescued from under the debris 
Rescuers caring for rescued dogs and cats following the earthquake that struck Turkey last Feb. 6.
Help from other countries
Some countries have also organized "missions" to take care of animals that have been injured, need to be rescued or are without owners anymore because they were unfortunately lost to the earthquake.
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