The wonderful Mediterranean Cassiopeia: a harmless jellyfish that must be protected

The Mediterranean Cassiopeia is a species of jellyfish commonly found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Also known as the "dancing jellyfish," this elegant sea creature is often seen as a danger to swimmers because of its reputation as a venomous jellyfish.

However, this species is actually harmless to humans and should be protected as it is an important component of our sea's biodiversity.

In this photo gallery we will explore the life and unique characteristics of this wonderful jellyfish, as well as the challenges it faces and why it is so important to protect it.

Di Fredski2013 - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Mediterranean Cassiopeia
Mediterranean Cassiopeia (Cotylorhiza tuberculata) is a scyphomedusa belonging to the family Cepheidae. This species is very common in the Mediterranean Sea, but too little is still known about it
Di T.Friedrich - Photo, CC BY 2.5,
This species is so distinctive because looking at it from above it resembles a bull's-eye egg: the white disc-shaped umbrella has a round, yellow hump in the center. The margin is typically jagged, yellow or sometimes greenish in color. Devoid of tentacles, it is rich in oral arms branching off the four lobes of the mouth, of which many are slender and terminate in a blue/purple button
Di Intandem -, Pubblico dominio,
Safeguard and protection
This distinctive-looking jellyfish is not stinging and therefore not dangerous to humans. This species should be cherished and protected because its presence plays a vital role in the balance of the marine ecosystem
Di © Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons), CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimed
This species lives on the seabed where the water is calmer and the strength of the current is less. This jellyfish prefers warmer seas.
Di Vassil - Opera propria, CC0,
The elegant way this species swims has earned it the nickname "dancing jellyfish."
Di Antonio Sontuoso - originally posted to Flickr as cassiopea, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikime
This species can reach a maximum size of 30-35 centimeters.
Di Fredski2013 - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Protection and shelter
This species provides protection for several species of fish, which find shelter from predators under the umbrella.
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