Some of the most unique cat breeds in the world

Cats without hair or with tails and paws too short: here are some of the funniest and strangest cats in the world. Cats are incredible animals that fill our lives, giving us so much affection, making us laugh and smile with their habits so weird and at the same time adorable.

There are about 100 officially recognized cat breeds in the world but, unless we are talking about experts, it is really very difficult to know more than half of them.

If you are looking for a kitten with unique and very particular characteristics, below you can discover the strangest breeds of all.

Some of the most unique cat breeds in the world
Cats without hair or with tails and paws too short: here are some of the funniest and strangest cats in the world. Cats are incredible animals that fill our lives, giving us so much affection, making us laugh and smile with their habits so weird and at the same time adorable. There are about 100 officially recognized cat breeds in the world but, unless we are talking about experts, it is really very difficult to know more than half of them. If you are looking for a kitten with unique and very particular characteristics, below you can discover the strangest breeds of all.
Tasy Hong, Wikimedia
Due to a genetic mutation, the Munchkin has very short legs. For this reason, this breed needs special care to avoid problems with the spine. The name of the breed comes from the inhabitants of the city of Munchkin, taken from the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz of L. Frank Baum.
Devon Rex
The Devon Rex has a small, triangular head, with very wide ears at the base, curled vibrissae and large round eyes. The first specimen was a stray living in an abandoned mine in Devonshire, England.
The Savannah is a cross between the serval (wild feline) and the domestic cat. Being a hybrid, it tends to have a fairly wild character. These cats are among the few who do not hate water, so much so that they play with it or, in some cases, dive.
American Curl
The American Curl has funny curl-shaped ears. The first known specimen appeared on the doorstep of the Rugasfamily, inCalifornia, in  1981.  It was a black female named Shulamith, who gave birth to kittens with the same characteristic as curl-shaped ears. 
Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair was born from a cross between a British Shorthair and a American Shorthair. The unique feature is its flattened muzzle, which gives it a tender and somewhat melancholic expression.
TheAbyssinian is native to Ethiopia and is one of the oldest breeds in the world. The almond-shaped eyes, slender legs and short hair make this cat very elegant, so much so that it almost looks like a wild animal.
Maine Coon
This breed is native to Maine (United States) and is characterized by a long coat, as well as being one of the largest cats ever: the weight varies in males from 7 to 10 kg and in females from 5 to 7 kg. This cat was introduced to England because it was a skilled rat hunter.
Bebopscrx, Wikimedia
Originally fromOregon (United States), the LaPerm is characterized by a curly and long hair. The first specimens of LaPerm were born on an American farm in the twentieth century.
This breed has no hair on its body. It is a very cheerful feline, endowed with great intelligence, friendly with other pets. He is very affectionate towards his master, but suffers so much from loneliness.
Selkirk Rex
This breed differs from the LaPerm because its curly coat is even thicker and thicker. It is a playful cat, but with a reserved character. This feline is native to Montana (United States).
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