Discovering the Exotic Shorthair, the curious cat with a crushed muzzle

The Exotic Shorthair is a cat that has two main characteristics: the flattened muzzle and the very close eyes.

Lazy but very affectionate, the oriental characteristics of theExotic Shorthair must be traced in the short nose and in the flattened muzzle. Among the other aspects that characterize it, a robust build, a large head and a medium-long tail.

Cat chosen for pet-therapy, theExotic Shorthair sleeps a lot and meows little and is also considered a long-lived cat.

What physically characterizes the Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair is a cat that has two main characteristics: the flattened muzzle and the very close eyes. Lazy but very affectionate, the oriental characteristics of theExotic Shorthair must be traced in the short nose and in the flattened muzzle. Among the other aspects that characterize it, a robust build, a large head and a medium-long tail.
The character of the Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair is a cat with a docile, affectionate, sweet nature. It is, however, also a very lazy cat. It loves to sleep for a long time, meows little and is equally not very agile. Despite this, he boasts quick reflexes and is famously known as an excellent rat hunter.
A perfect cat for pet-therapy
The character of the Exotic Shorthair makes it a particularly suitable cat for pet-therapy. It is also considered one of the longest-lived cat breeds, with an average of 14 years of life.
How to care for a Exotic Shorthair
Those who decide to adopt a Exotic Shorthair must know that this breed of cats tends to gain weight and therefore attention must be paid to its health. Even more attention should be paid to the eyes, very delicate and prone to tear frequently. It is necessary to clean them gently, often, as well as its hair should be brushed frequently.
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The official recognition of the breed
The breed of the Exotic Shorthair was officially recognized in 1984. It was selected from the cross between the Persian cat and theAmerican Shorthair.
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