Gacek, the cat that became an attraction in a Polish city

In the Polish city of Szczecin there is a cat that has become a real tourist attraction. Its name is Gacek and many tourists go to the area where it is located just to see it and take some pictures of it.

Gacek It can usually be seen on Kaszubska. Apparently, in addition to having his picture taken, he does not much like to be petted. On the other hand, he loves his kennel, where he often spends time sleeping.

Polish TV has also taken an interest in this cat, which did a report on Gacek that can currently be viewed at YouTube.

@kotgacekeveryday - Instagram
The cat that became a tourist attraction in Poland
In the Polish city of Szczecin there is a cat that has become a real tourist attraction. His name is Gacek and many tourists come to the area where he is located just to see him and take a few pictures.
@kotgacekeveryday - Instagram
Where to find Gacek
Gacek can usually be seen in Kaszubska. Apparently, in addition to having his picture taken, he does not much like to be petted. On the other hand, he loves his kennel, where he often spends time sleeping.
@kotgacekeveryday - Instagram
The report on Polish TV
Polish TV was also interested in this cat, which did a report on Gacek that can currently be viewed at YouTube.
@kotgacekeveryday - Instagram
Gacek is not the first four-legged star in Poland
It seems that the cat Gacek is not Poland's first four-legged star. In 2021 a dog from Gdansk had itself become web famous and liked by tourists.
@kotgacekeveryday - Instagram
Fans from around the world
Gacek has fans that come from all over the world and that appreciate his way of being sly and seemingly indifferent to what happens around him. It seems that the fact is also "reviewed" on Google Maps.
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