Five exercises to keep your dog fit

The dog is man's best friend, we know, but we should also try to be his best friend by taking care of his health. Our life in cities often forces our four-legged friends to spend so much time indoors, with the risk of turning him into a sedentary and unhappy pet.

Keeping him fit through physical and mental exercise, therefore, is as crucial as regular vet visits and dietary care.

In this short article, we want to provide you with some tips on how best to take care of your dog's fitness.

Daily walks are a must
Taking your dog out 2-3 times a day is the golden rule for all dog owners. The dog's outings should not only be to allow him to do his business, but they are essential for both the animal's physical and mental health. A tip to make outings more interesting, which should give the dog time to sniff everything he wants, may be to vary the route often, or to go out with other dogs to further stimulate his mind.
A variation: running with the dog, or biking with the dog
The aim is to keep him fit and, at the same time, safeguard the joints. The speed should be increased gradually, and above all, the leash should never be pulled, as the dog should see this exercise as fun and not as a constraint. Also, in case of jogging, it would be best not to do it in the street, on asphalt, as paws and joints are easily damaged. However, it remains the best way to keep your dog fit.
Frisbees, balls, logs: an evergreen excellent
Carrying around balls, Frisbees or playing with classic tinder is perfect for keeping your dog fit. Allowing him to let out his explosiveness and energy on a daily basis is also crucial for the mental health of your pet, who might otherwise experience bouts of stress or depression, especially if he is a sizeable dog. While you are outside, let him play and tire himself out; he will also be more manageable if you live in an apartment that is not huge in size.
Physical exercises, outdoors or indoors
There are also some truly aerobic exercises for dogs to help them stay fit. For example, you can teach them to go between games "in an 8", that is, first one way and then the other (perfect for the trunk muscles). Or you can teach him to stand up on his hind legs, with the front ones resting against your body (a stretching exercise that will also be useful as the dog ages). That said, some inventiveness is also needed, but muscle training is essential.
At home: treasure hunt or obstacles
These are very interesting exercises that help him stay active even at home. You can hide his favorite toy from him in an unusual place, and then help him look for it, perhaps with the help of kibble or something that catches his attention. Or, alternatively, you can create some obstacles around the house, which the dog has to overcome in order to get to food, bed or some goal.
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