Cat Lovers: some of the rarest cat breeds in the world

What does the rarest cat breeds in the world mean? Usually people think it is a definition related to the beauty of the animal, but in fact this statement is wrong.

In fact, there are three criteria for determining whether a breed can be called rare or not. Some cat characteristics may be morphologically difficult to obtain. Another reason may be the low demand that breeders find: as a result, supply is reduced and the breed becomes rare.

Finally, there may be cultural reasons specific to a given region of the world. This causes the rarity of a given species from a given place on earth.
Cat Lovers: some of the rarest cat breeds in the world
What does the rarest cat breeds in the world mean? Usually people think it is a definition related to the beauty of the animal, but in fact this statement is wrong. In fact, there are three criteria for determining whether a breed can be called rare or not. Some cat characteristics may be morphologically difficult to obtain. Another reason may be the low demand that breeders find: as a result, supply is reduced and the breed becomes rare. Finally, there may be cultural reasons specific to a given region of the world. This causes the rarity of a given species from a given place on earth.
A cat of African origin, it is not particularly common in Europe, and even less so in southern Europe. The marbled fur is vaguely reminiscent of the homeland. A way to carry Africa with you always.
Egyptian Mau
One of the most difficult breeds to train the as the coat standards are terribly rigid. Defined-looking, groomed cat with a silvery or bronze coat.
Bombaycats -
This cat was "created" with the idea of a small panther in mind. It possesses genes from the Burmese andAmerican Shorthair , is bred exclusively black.
Leinwand -
Selkirk Rex
A beautiful cat with a curly coat. Very muscular and usual body combined with graceful lines make it a wonderful cat to admire. Being so distinctive, it is quite rare.
Alexandre Gonçalves -
Cornish Rex
Elongated body, disproportionate ears and long muzzle. A cat with what we would call an extreme shape, it does not always meet people's goodwill. Native to the British Isle, it is not very common outside the mother country.
Desaix83, d'après le travail d'Heikki Siltala -
American Wirehair
All curly-haired cats are generally not very common in Western countries, as there is a fear that taking care of its coat can be very difficult and challenging.
Siamese and Abyssinian are in his gene pool. Much however especially in the United States, it is still easy to meet him in European exhibitions. -
Japanese Bobtail
A very common cat in Japan but much less so in Europe and the United States. Short-tailed, it is Japan's national cat, reflecting the natural elegance of its origins.
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