What a nose! Some particularly funny nosed animals

What a nose! Some particularly funny nosed animals.

Animals are often endowed with features that make them unique and unique: one of these features is the proboscis nose.

The first animal that famously comes to mind is the elephant, but there are also other animals that possess this particular characteristic, which can be useful for feeding, courting or for various other reasons. From the gharial crocodile to the tapir, from the platypus to the saiga, from the anteater to the nose, here are some of the main animals whose nose is particularly funny.

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What a nose! Some particularly funny nosed animals
Animals are often endowed with features that make them unique and unique: one of these features is the proboscis nose. The first animal that famously comes to mind is the elephant, but there are also other animals that possess this particular characteristic, which can be useful for feeding, courting or for various other reasons. From the gharial crocodile to the tapir, from the platypus to the saiga, from the anteater to the nose, here are some of the main animals with a proboscis nose.
By Klaus - Flickr: Wild Platypus 4, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Platypus - Ornithorhynchus anatinus
The platypus is an Australian mammal whose main characteristic is the particular nose, very similar to that of a duck. It spends most of its life in the water, its hunting ground, but it is not uncommon to meet it on land.
Di Andrey Giljov - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Saiga or steppe antelope - Saiga tatarica
The saiga is a widespread animal in the Eurasian steppes of which two subspecies are recognized: the saiga of Russia and the saiga of Mongolia. This ungulate is characterized by the peculiar proboscis-shaped nose.
By Dave Pape - Own work, Public Domain,
Anteater - Pilosa
The giant anteater is a large endemic insectivorous mammal native to Central and South America. Its characteristics? A tiny mouth, a really long tongue and finally a long, thin muzzle.
Di Eugenia & Julian -, CC BY-SA 2.0, https
Elephant - Elephantidae
The elephant as it is commonly called belongs to the family of proboscidean mammals, which includes three living species: the Asian elephant, the African savannah elephant and the African forest elephant. The elephant is usually the first animal we think of when we talk about the trunk, the characteristic prehensile organ possessed by elephants and other animals.
Di David Dennis - originally posted to Flickr as Proboscis Monkey in Borneo, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://c
Proboscis Monkey- the Nasalis larvatus
The proboscis monkey is a widespread monkey in the tropical forests of Borneo, whose distinctive feature is certainly the large pendulous nasal appendage. It is particularly marked in adult male individuals: in adulthood it can reach seventeen centimeters in length.
Di Gerwin Sturm - Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Tapir - Tapirus
The tapir is the only genus extant today of the homonymous family of mammals (Tapiridae), and is characterized by a robust build and a short proboscis (formed by the union between the upper lip and the nose). These animals live mainly in tropical forests, feeding on plant matter.
Di Snehil3 - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Ganges gharial crocodile - Gavialis gangeticus
The gharial crocodile lives predominantly in the rivers of India. The males are distinguished from the females both by the larger size, but also by another particular characteristic: a protuberance on the tip of the muzzle, whose shape resembles an Indian terracotta vase known as "ghara", from which the name "gharial" derives. The "ghara" is used by the gharial to amaze and attract the female during courtship. Despite the threatening appearance, the gharial is a very little aggressive animal.
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