The most famous animals of cinema

From Marley and Hachiko dogs to the fearsome Kong and shark passing through Toto of the Wizard of Oz, Pongo of the Charge of 101 and Goose of Captain Marvel: here are some animals protagonists of pop culture and the big screen.

The big screen is really full of animals. There are some that have populated our collective imagination.

And others who continue to populate it in an indelible way like the horse Artax of the fantasy movie The Neverending Story.

Or the sweetabrador Marley that has made us shed so many tears.

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This dog is so iconic that it has earned a star, complete with a "signature", on the Walk of Fame of Hollywood.
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Simba of "The Lion King"
The live action is inspired by the homonymous cartoon Disney, which has its roots in the biblical story of Joseph and Moses, as well as in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
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The Saint Bernard combines trouble, the protagonist of the comedy that bears his name, immediately broke into everyone's hearts. Even in that of the father of the Newton, the family that adopts the puppy not thinking in the least would become a giant capable of attracting catastrophes.
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Marley of "Me & Marley"
One of the films that made anyone shed rivers of tears. At the center of the story are the adventures of a labrador retriever who enters the lives of newlyweds John and Jenny Grogan.
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The wonderful story of absolute loyalty between music professor Richard Gere and theakita inu Hachiko. And the four-legged friend, when the character played by Geredies, will always remain faithful to him.
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Tim Burton directed the exciting live action starring the elephant capable of flying. The director tried to use as little cgi  as possible, using machinery and practical effects to help the actors in acting.
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Dalmatians of "101 Dalmatians"
The wonderful Dalmatians were the protagonists of the autobiographical novel "One Hundred and a Dalmatian" by Dodie Smith. The writer decided to write the book when her Dalmatian gave birth to 15 puppies.
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Directly from the homonymous comic book by Brad Anderson, in 2010 also came the film with the hyperactive Great Dane, ready to test the nerves of the Winslowfamily.
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The Lion of MGM
The symbol of the Metro Goldwyn Mayer roaring under the Latin inscription Ars Gratia Artis (Art for the love of art) is iconic.
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Hedwig of the "Harry Potter" saga
Hedwig was the snowy owl of Harry Potter (received by Hagrid) at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts. And it has been interpreted by eight different birds.
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The British bear with the name of a London underground station, the protagonist of many Michael Bondstories, is the star of the film by Paul King.
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Belle of "Belle & Sebastien"
The Pyrenean shepherd stars in the 2013 French film directed by Nicolas Vanier. Based on the eponymous drama and the series of short stories by the writer Cécile Aubry, the moving film tells the friendship between a child and the wonderful dog against the backdrop of the French Alps in 1943, in the middle of the Second World War.
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A film about the friendship between a little boy and a dolphin. Released in 1963, directed by James B. Clark, it had a sequel in 1964 and a remake in 1996.
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