How to help a dog suffering from car sickness

For animal lovers, it is unthinkable to go anywhere without your four-legged friend. By now, many facilities around the world are pet-friendly, making it easier for owners to be able to travel together with their pup.

However, in the course of traveling, especially by car, dogs can suffer tremendous stress, often due to motion sickness, something they, just like us, suffer often and gladly. Some clues can give us a hand in figuring out if our dog is car-sick, but once we know, what can we do about it?

Here are some valuable tips that might be interesting to know before embarking on a car trip, especially a long one, together with your dog.

Dogs and car sickness: how to deal with it
Car sickness in dogs, or girdling, is a disorder from which so many four-legged people suffer. This problem is caused by the repetition of an irregular and especially unfamiliar movement in the dog, which causes a momentary dysfunction of the sensory pathways deputed to balance control. In the case of a car trip, his receptors are overstimulated by the movement and unfamiliarity with the passenger compartment, causing the onset of car sickness.
Dogs and car sickness: how to deal with it
Symptoms, how to notice that our dog is suffering from motion sickness? Having an animal means creating a bond that goes beyond words, so every owner should be able to tell at a glance if their pet is sick. If not, here are some of the most common symptoms: constant shaking, trembling, nausea, crying, lots of salivation, dilated pupils, vomiting.
Dogs and car sickness: how to deal with it
The first remedy is, as always, prevention, that is, getting the dog used to being in the car a little at a time. This can be done through a few short "exploratory" rides. In this way the animal will get used to the irregular rhythm of the car, calibrating its internal receptors. Initially, even a brief exploration of the passenger compartment while half stationary may suffice.
Dogs and car sickness: how to deal with it
Create a comfortable environment. Very important could also be to place, on the seat, his blanket on which he sleeps or even his favorite game. In this way, he will feel in a more familiar and less "alien" environment, allowing him to experience the trip not as a trauma but as a familiar moment. In case of positive behavior in the first part of the trip, you might also consider rewarding him with a kibble, for his memory in the future.
Dogs and car sickness: how to deal with it
A key thing not to do is to force the dog into the car. Doing so creates fear in the animal's mind, and this will certainly not help the trip, since the main aspect definitely remains the emotional, rather than the physical, sphere. Finally, even in case the dog behaves well, it is important to keep the place well ventilated, perhaps by rolling down the windows (in summer), or at least making stops along the way to allow him to stretch his legs and calm down more.
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