The 10 strangest dog breeds in the world

There is no doubt that dogs are our best friends. We love them and they love us in the same way. There are different shapes and sizes of them and they all have their individual characters. However, there are some very strange breeds of dogs that will make you doubt your eyes.

So if you are looking for a dog that looks a little peculiar, perhaps one of these breeds will be just what you want. Of course, appearance is not the only criterion on which you should base your choice of a dog. Try to choose a dog breed that fits your lifestyle.

Some look like lambs, some can't bark, some have no hair: here are the strangest dogs in the world!

The Komondor is a Hungarian breed: its body is entirely covered with thick, rough fur that gives the dog a funny appearance.
Chinese crested dog
This breed is characterized by the absence of hair on the body, but not on the head, where instead there is a thick coat. These dogs are very sensitive to the sun by not having a coat.
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Bedlington terrier
The Bedlington terrier by its appearance resembles a tender lamb. The fur is very soft in some places and harder in others. This breed is popular in the UK because it is perfect for the family, getting along well with all other pets.
A strange name, but its appearance is even more bizarre! The Xoloitzcuintle, or Mexican naked dog, has very ancient origins. The artist Frida Kahlo had dogs of this breed.
Rhodesian Ridgeback
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a large, short-haired dog. The special feature of this breed is the ridge on the back, formed by the hair growing in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat.
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Native to Germany, the Affenpinscher is so named because "Affen" in German means monkey. Effectively, this dog's flattened muzzle gives it an expression reminiscent of a small monkey.
Anita Ritenour, Wikimedia
The Puli is similar to the Komondor. This dog also has characteristic dreads that begin to appear when the puppy is 9 months old. Its coat looks heavy, but it is not: these dogs are very athletic and agile.
Anka Friedrich, Wikimedia
Neapolitan Mastiff
Until the early 1900s this breed was believed to be extinct. Then it was found in the countryside near Naples. Its main characteristic is its flabby skin that folds over the face: the Neapolitan mastiff also has wrinkles on the rest of its body.
Peruvian naked dog
The Peruvian naked dog is a very ancient breed: according to the latest studies it was born even before the Inca civilization. It is a hairless dog, although some traces of hair may be present on the legs, tail and head.
The uniqueness of this dog lies not in its appearance but in its voice. In fact, the Basenji is unable to bark. This does not mean that it is dumb: this dog emits howls and vocalizations, but the not the classic barking of all other dogs.
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