Europe's first dancing lemur is born in a British zoo

A dancing lemur (sifaka) has been born in the British zoo of Chester. The zoo is the first in Europe to have achieved this.

The dancing lemur is an endangered species and compared to other lemurs is distinguished by its unique way of moving. In fact, sifaka maintains an upright posture and jumps from side to side using only its hind legs. This is precisely why it is known as a dancing lemur.

Over the past 30 years, the number of sifaka has declined by 80 percent, which has resulted in the species being considered at high risk of extinction.
First dancing lemur born in Europe
A dancing lemur (sifaka) has been born in the British zoo at Chester. The zoo is the first in Europe to have achieved this. Some time ago a zoo in Prague, on the other hand, announced that it had given birth to the first pangolin on the European continent.
The dancing lemur cub
The little dancing lemur is born with thick white furry fur and weighs only 119 grams. The cub will cling tightly to its mother's belly for several weeks before resting on her back, like a backpack, until it is about six months old.
The risk of extinction
The dancing lemur is an endangered species, and compared to other lemurs it is distinguished by its unique way of moving. In fact, the sifaka maintains an upright posture and jumps from side to side using only its hind legs. This is precisely why it is known as a dancing lemur.
The dancing lemur is 80 percent gone
Over the past 30 years, the number of sifaka has declined by 80 percent, which has resulted in the species being considered highly endangered. It is one of Madagascar's many endemic species at risk of extinction.
The main cause of extinction risk
Causing the endangerment of the dancing lemurs is mainly deforestation, which is responsible for the destruction of their natural habitat. It is therefore absolutely necessary to do everything to preserve this species.
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