How to improve the well-being and happiness of the cat

How can we improve the well-being and happiness of the cats that live in our homes? Cat friends greatly affect our well-being, even if only thanks to their pleasant presence, but what can we do for their well-being?

To make cats feel comfortable and can live in the best way, there are some tips that can be followed to make this happen. Give them sufficient and adequate space, feed them in the right way, be present with them without being too indiscreet, play with them ... In the end there are very few things to do to have happy cats.

Here are some tips to follow to try to improve the well-being of house cats.

How to make cats happier and increase their well-being
How can we improve the well-being and happiness of the cats that live in our homes? Cat friends greatly affect our well-being, even if only thanks to their pleasant presence, but what can we do for their well-being? To make cats feel comfortable and can live in the best way, there are some tips that can be followed to make this happen. Here are some tips to follow to try to improve the well-being of house cats.
Ensuring cats get the space they need
Cats need their own spaces, where they can move with safety, freedom and tranquility. For this reason, cats should never be confined to confined spaces or even worse closed in a room, preventing them from accessing spaces where they have decided to create "their own territory" and which is familiar to them.
Cuddles often... but without exaggerating
Cuddling cats is something that gives a lot of well-being to the human being but cats must also be able to benefit from all this. When the cats want to be pampered they are the first to come forward but certainly do not disdain even the surprise cuddles, as long as they do not become too suffocating for them, whether they complain about it or not.
Teaching children to relate to cats
Teaching children how to relate to cats (but with all animals in general), will allow children to learn to live correctly with cats and cats not to suffer behaviors that could annoy them. Cats, like all other animals, are not toys but living creatures that must be loved and respected. Teaching these to children is one of the most beautiful life lessons.
Caring for cat feeding
Cats should be able to vary and choose the food they prefer, perhaps providing them with small amounts of food, in different rations, during the course of the day. Having the cat make many small meals would seem to be a better solution than choosing to fill a bowl once a day, all with the same food.
Cats and play
Playing for at least half an hour a day, stimulating the playful activity of house cats, is an important habit to keep alive. Cats, especially those at home, need to stay active at all ages of their lives, based on the physical condition of each one. Cats will have well-being and happiness from this good and fun habit.
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