Glaucus Atlanticus: the mollusk that looks like a Pokémon, but be careful not to touch it...

The Glaucus atlanticus is a mollusk that is aesthetically very fascinating but can prove to be highly poisonous and dangerous to humans.

In this photo gallery we will learn about this creature that seems to have been drawn directly from Ken Sugimori, a well-known Japanese Pokémon designer .

With the support of the pictures we will find out more about the characteristics, habitat and feeding of this very special species. Get ready to explore the fascinating yet dangerous world of a creature that challenges our imagination and understanding of the marine world.

Di Sylke Rohrlach from Sydney - Blue dragon-glaucus atlanticus, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikime
Glaucus atlanticus
Glaucus atlanticus Is a nudibranch mollusk of the family Glaucidae. It is one of two known species in the genus Glaucus along with Glaucus marginatus. Its natural habitat is in the Atlantic Ocean, but it has also been detected in the Pacific Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Caribbean Sea.
By Glaucus_atlanticus_1.jpg: Taro Taylor from Sydney, Australiaderivative work: dapete - Glaucus_atl
The Glaucus was first described by scientists Johann Reinhold Forster and Johann Georg Adam Forster in 1777. The scientists were aboard the ship HMS Resolution led by Captain James Cook during his second voyage of exploration of the Pacific: that was when this species was discovered and the first publication was written.
By Poyt448, Peter Woodard - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=
Its length is 3 cm at most. The body coloration serves as camouflage from possible predators: the body is blue and white in the ventral area, facing the surface, and silvery on the back, facing the seabed. The Glaucus lives upside down, floating on the water supported by an air bubble, allowing itself to be carried by sea currents.
By Sylke Rohrlach from Sydney - Blue dragon-glaucus atlanticus, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikime
Power supply
The Glaucus is a pelagic predator: it feeds on Portuguese caravel (Physalis physalis), St. Peter's boat (Velella velella), blue button (Porpita porpita) and purple snail (Janthina janthina). Sometimes it engages in cannibalism.
By Imtorn - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=21281406
Warning, do not touch!
This species feeds on "Portuguese caravel (Physalis physalis)" remaining immune and indeed even storing stinging nematocysts from siphonophores within its own tissues. This means that Glaucus collects venom and uses it as a defense against predators. So be careful not to touch this animal or the risk is to receive a very painful and potentially dangerous sting.
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