Guinness animals: some of the most bizarre on the planet

The world is beautiful because it is diverse, is a phrase we have heard a thousand times, and this is true not only for human beings, but also for animals.

On our planet, the variety of fauna is far greater than that of human beings, who are basically almost all the same. On the other hand, in the most remote parts of the Earth, but not only there, there are absolutely unique species of animals, so much so that they even enter Guinness World Record. Birds, fish, mammals, so many characteristics that make them absolutely recognizable, and also very rare.

Animal lovers, keep us company and discover all the most bizarre beasts on the planet.

Guinness animals: some of the most bizarre on the planet
The world is beautiful because it is diverse, is a phrase we have heard a thousand times, and this is true not only for human beings, but also for animals. In fact, on our planet the variety of fauna is far greater than that of human beings, who are basically almost all the same. In the most remote parts of the Earth, but not only there, there are instead absolutely unique species of animals, so much so that they even enter Guinness World Record. Birds, fish, mammals, so many characteristics that make them absolutely recognizable, and also very rare. Animal lovers, keep us company and discover all the most bizarre beasts on the planet.
Di Roman Klementschitz, Wien - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The rodent that lives the longest in the world
Paradoxically, its tremendous appearance is not what characterizes it most. In fact, this East African animal, called the glabrous heterocephalus or naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber), is the longest-living rodent of all, according to Guinness World Record 2023. This mammal, which lives in colonies, is resistant to so many diseases, such as cancer, and can live as long as 31 years.
Di Stan Shebs, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The animal with the "largest" genome on earth
We already know that we human beings do not possess the largest genome of all, understood as simple base pairs. The genona, specifically, contains all the information of a living organism. That Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) or absolotto, contains 32 billion base pairs, 10 times more than that of humans. It lives in Mexico, and spends its entire life in a state of eternal youth.
Di Per-Ola Norman - Opera propria, Pubblico dominio,
The heaviest bony fish of all
Fish in the family Mola, which can often be seen very close to the surface of the water, weigh about 1 ton on average, up to 2.3 tons (one so heavy was caught in Japan in 1996). In addition, the fish Mola Mola (called sunfish) is the most fertile of all: a female of this specimen can hold up to 300 million eggs. Amazing how complex nature is, isn't it!
Di Bill Bouton from San Luis Obispo, CA, USA - Horned Screamer, Anhima comuta, CC BY-SA 2.0, https:/
A bird that looks like a unicorn
These birds have a real horn between their eyes, which can be up to 15 cm long. The Horned Screamer (anhima cornuta) is in fact called its own unicorn bird, although this protuberance is very fragile and is not used as a defensive tool. Nevertheless, this mixture of a bird and a mythological animal is amazing.
Di Paul Cryan , U.S. Geological Survey -
The bat with rabbit ears
Although very few people in the world are fond of bats, this species is truly visually fascinating. In fact, the bat Euderma Maculatum is the one that has, relative to its body, the longest ears of all. It lives in Canada and the western United States, as well as in the northern part of Mexico. In all, this animal has about seven cm between head and body, and as many as five only of ears. To make a size comparison with humans, we would have to have 1.2-meter ears.
By Rob Knell - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,
The most distant eyes in the animal kingdom (in proportion to the body)
This record (we could not say whether enviable or not) belongs to Stalk (Cyrtodiopsis Whitei). This animal, with a body that measures about 7.5 mm, has eyes that are a good 10 mm apart. Incredible always to make the proportions with human beings. On average, if we were like this fly, for a height of 1.80 m we would have our eyes a good 2.40 m apart. Imagine what we would look like.
Di nomis-simon -, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.w
The primate with the most fingers in the world
This discovery was the result of studies conducted in 2019. Indeed, it was realized that the Aye-Aye, a primate living in Madagascar, has as many as six toes on each paw instead of five. In fact, it has a proptuberance on each wrist, which after careful studies turned out to be a pseudo-thumb.
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