Beluga plays ball with a sailor: images of an extraordinary friendship

In the middle of the ocean, a sailor has a very peculiar encounter with a beluga.

When the sailor sees the cetacean, he decides to throw the ball from the boat into the open sea; the beluga, driven by curiosity and playfulness, reaches for the ball and plays with it for a few moments. He then catches the ball with his mouth, dives into the water and swims back to the boat, returning the ball to the sailor.

This video has made its way around the world, amusing and thrilling all animal enthusiasts and introducing them to the characteristics that distinguish some marine mammals: curiosity and playful behaviour.

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Beluga plays ball with a sailor: images of an extraordinary friendship
In the middle of the ocean, a sailor has a very peculiar encounter with a beluga. When the sailor sees the cetacean, he decides to throw the ball from the boat into the open sea; the beluga, driven by curiosity and playfulness, reaches for the ball and plays with it for a few moments. He then catches the ball with his mouth, dives into the water and swims back to the boat, returning the ball to the sailor. This video has made its way around the world, amusing and thrilling all animal enthusiasts and introducing them to the characteristics that distinguish some marine mammals: curiosity and playful behaviour.
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The first approach
The video immediately shows the beluga returning the sailor's ball: the sailor had probably thrown the ball before deciding to try again and resume the event.
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The throwing of the ball
The sailor picks up the ball from the beluga and throws it into the ocean.
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Reaches the ball
The beluga swims up to the ball.
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Play with the ball
Here the beluga plays with the ball before bringing it back.
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Ball returned
Finally the beluga brought the ball back to the boat where the sailor is.
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Fun with the ball
In this shot, the beluga holds the ball in its mouth before dropping it near the boat.
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One last shot
One last shot of the beluga to capture this beautiful moment of play between human and beluga.
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