Five curiosities you may not know about common dolphins

Common dolphins are popular and much-loved animals, with which many people may also be closely familiar.

Dolphins are considered social animals that usually live in larger or smaller groups, within which they tend to synchronise their actions. Considered to be very intelligent animals, they are considered to be among the fastest cetaceans and capable of emitting varied and differentiated noises with which they communicate.

Common dolphins feed mainly on small fish, crustaceans and cephalopods, which they tend to swallow whole. But what curiosities about dolphins might you not know? Let's find out.

Think you know everything about dolphins?
Common dolphins are popular and much-loved animals, with which many people may also be closely familiar. Dolphins are considered social animals that usually live in larger or smaller groups, within which they tend to synchronise their actions. Considered to be very intelligent animals, they are considered to be among the fastest cetaceans and capable of emitting varied and differentiated noises with which they communicate. Common dolphins feed mainly on small fish, crustaceans and cephalopods, which they tend to swallow whole. But what other curiosities about dolphins might you not know? Let's find out.
Life in the group
Common dolphins tend to live in groups ranging from around twenty individuals to schools of thousands of them. Within the group, members try to synchronise their actions, rising to the surface together to breathe, feed or sleep in shifts.
Among the fastest cetaceans
Common dolphins are considered great swimmers and also boast the distinction of being among the fastest. The maximum speed they can reach is 40 km/h.
The search for food
Common dolphins procure their food through teamwork. One of the techniques by which they procure it is to gather a large school of fish and then take turns jumping into the fray to feed. Each dolphin is able to eat about 5-6 kilograms of food per day.
Intelligent and empathetic
Besides being considered very intelligent animals, dolphins are also very empathetic. Studies have already shown that these animals are capable of perceiving the suffering of their fellow creatures and when one of them is in distress, the others never abandon him.
The sleep of dolphins
Dolphins are considered animals that practically never sleep. In reality, this is not exactly the case. The point is that dolphins remain partly awake even when they sleep because only part of their brain falls asleep. The other part of the brain stays awake to regulate voluntary breathing.
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