What to do if you encounter a monk seal, WWF's vademecum

If until a few years ago the monk seal was an endangered species, now sightings of this animal are becoming increasingly frequent. 

All this has convinced the WWF to publish a vademecum with the aim of disseminating correct behaviour in the event of a sighting, so as not to disturb the species and to inform researchers with all the elements that can make identification easier.

So what behaviour should be adopted in the event of a sighting and close encounter with these animals? Let's find out more.
Tips in case of monk seal sightings
If until a few years ago the monk seal was an endangered species, now sightings of this animal are becoming increasingly frequent. All this has convinced the WWF to publish a vademecum with the aim of disseminating correct behaviour in the event of a sighting, so as not to disturb the species and to inform researchers with all the elements that can make identification easier. So what behaviour should be adopted in the event of a sighting and close encounter with these animals? Let's find out more.
Keeping the distance
Among the suggestions in the WWF vademecum is to always keep a distance of at least 50 metres, avoiding approaching the animal. On the other hand, it is advisable to try to take note of all possible details, trying to take photos and videos that will then help with identification and any problems with the animal (such as scratches or other wounds).
Avoid noise and make slow movements
The WWF vademecum also advises not to stand between the seal and its natural environment, i.e. the sea. Also, avoid making noise and prefer slow movements. Monk seals may be annoyed by behaviour contrary to this advice.
Don't throw food
The WWF vademecum suggests not to approach the monk seal even if the animal appears to be in distress, as this type of intervention should only be assessed by experienced personnel. For the same reason, one should never throw food or other objects near monk seals.
Avoid waking monk seals
Other suggestions given by the WWF include not touching monk seal specimens lying on the beach, to avoid waking them abruptly.
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