Five cute animals you wouldn't imagine to be so dangerous

Often the outward beauty of animals can be deceptive and make us think they are harmless and friendly, but some of them can hide unsuspected dangers.

In this photo gallery we will show you five animals that look delightfully adorable, but in fact can pose great danger to other species and in some cases even to our own safety.

Are you ready to find out what these animals are and how they can be dangerous?

Then read on and look at the pictures! Browse the photo gallery "5 Cute Animals You Wouldn't Imagine Being So Dangerous" and visit our portal to discover many interesting facts about the animal world.

Yes, the panda is often seen as a cuddly, affectionate bear. But the truth is, it still remains a bear! As such, it has claws, sharp fangs, and enormous strength, even considering its weight. Pay attention!
Dolphins are generally not dangerous to humans; be careful, however: if you try to touch them, they may react by striking with their tails, or by jumping on you and hitting you with their snouts, which are very strong. Sometimes they even attack for no apparent reason. They have sharp teeth and an effective attack system that takes place in packs. The dolphins arrange themselves in a circle, one of them swims around the school of fish to catch and moves the sand and mud of the bottom with its tail. This tactic causes the mud to disperse in the water, which prevents the small fish from escaping. At that point they attack. Cunning.
Slow Loris
The slow loris is a small primate that looks innocent, but can be very dangerous. This animal has toxic glands at elbow level that if licked can make its bites poisonous. Look, admire, but don't touch!
Although they are also kept as pets, beavers are not easy animals to care for. They are very territorial and are aggressive when someone disturbs their natural habitat, reasoning that attacks are common. And when they attack they can be very dangerous. Beavers have highly developed incisors that can pierce a person's limb causing alarming bleeding. In addition, they can cause injury to humans when they suffer from rabies.
Beautiful and elegant swans, but they are considered very aggressive animals, especially toward other members of the same species. These birds defend the nest with all their might. Moreover, it may happen that when they are in flight they decide to attack people by crashing into them at high speed and causing them to fall into the water. As if that were not enough, it has happened to observe swans obstructing the reach of land in every possible way. As elegant as they are aggressive!
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