Do you know how many ants there are on Earth? 5 interesting facts about this precious insect

How many ants are present on Earth? This and other interesting facts about these very useful insects are the subject of our journey inside the world of ants.

Ants have many species and show their greatest diversity in areas with tropical climates (South America, eastern Australia and Africa). Their social structure, if it can be so defined, is based in reproductive class and working class.

Although they are present in very high numbers on the planet, scientists fear that their mass die-off could disrupt the ecosystems of which they are a part.

Fun facts about ants, the very useful insects
How many ants are present on Earth? This and other interesting facts about these very useful insects are the subject of our journey inside the world of ants. Ants have many species and show their greatest diversity in areas with tropical climates (South America, eastern Australia and Africa). Their social structure, if it can be so defined, is based in reproductive class and working class. Although they are present in very high numbers on the planet, scientists fear that their mass die-off could disrupt the ecosystems of which they are a part.
The transportation of heavy loads
Ants are capable of carrying loads much heavier than each individual. How is this possible? A study published in the Nature Communications journal, according to which, in most cases, ants act following the flow, that is, pulling or pushing in the same direction as the group, would have revealed it. Almost all ants follow the flow but some of them, acting as "leaders," pull the others toward what they think is the right direction.
How long does the average ant live
How long does an ant live, on average? The talk varies according to some peculiarities. The queen would be able to live fifteen to twenty years. The worker ants would be able to live between five and ten years while the males would die soon after mating.
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How many ants are there on Earth?
It seemed almost impossible to figure out how many ants there were on Earth, approximately. Doing the math some time ago was Times, which ultimately estimated a total of nearly 20 quadrillion ants. This means that for every person on the planet at the time of the estimate, there would be 2.5 million of these precious insects.
How big can the size of an ant be
Ants can vary in size. These range from 1 to about 30 millimeters. Fertile females, i.e., queens, are generally larger than worker ants and in some species can reach a record size of 6 centimeters.
What do ants eat
Ants are omnivorous living things and feed on the same foods that humans generally enjoy. For this reason, those who fear attracting ants inside their homes should avoid leaving food exposed or unsealed.
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