There's a bear in Colorado who loves to take selfies, his poses are like a true influencer

This cute bear loves to take selfies: here are his photos.

There are many animals that have become internet celebrities because of their special abilities, and this bear is definitely one of them.

What distinguishes this bear from other famous animals is the reason behind this notoriety: this bear is not known for his likability and playfulness, but because he is a real pro at taking selfies.

In this photo gallery we show you the photos and tell you the story of this bear who has captured the hearts of many animal lovers.

The photos were shared by park officials, the City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks.

City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks
This bear has become famous for taking about 400 selfies. This is a black bear specimen, which lives in Colorado, in the park of Boulder (Usa). But what exactly happened?
City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks
Photo trap
In this wildlife area, park authorities installed some hidden photo traps to keep an eye on local wildlife. This bear noticed the photo trap and set it off hundreds of times. For what reason?
City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks
The reason why the bear found the phototrap interesting is unclear, but when it was retrieved to download the photos, it was discovered that more than 400 photos were just of the bear (out of about 580 total photos).
City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks
The photos were shared by the park employees themselves (City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks) who thought this story was funny and worth sharing.
City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks
There is no more specific news about what happened, but one thing is certain: it is definitely a funny story!
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