Cats and purring

How many times have you heard your cat make a cute sound? Especially as demonstrations of affection?

Often associated with cuddling, the vibrations you hear are called a purr. But did you know that not only cats can emit them? Lynx, cougars, and cheetahs for example, can purr for a long time. Some felines such as lions and tigers, on the other hand, can make a soft sound but only for short periods.

Let's see together in this gallery some more curiosities.

Cats and purring
Purring is a special characteristic that belongs to the feline world. The purring noise occurs both during inhalation and exhalation, with a frequency that can reach between 27 and 40 HZ.
How is the purr produced?
According to some research, it is assumed that sounds come from the muscles of the larynx that enlarge the oral cavity and then contract the glottis.
A sign of love but not only
Cats purr not only when they are happy or when they are in company. Many times, they also purr at particular moments such as giving birth, thanks to purring in fact serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is released.
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Mother, will you teach me how to purr?
Well, yes, kittens learn to purr from their mothers. In the kittens, you may notice irregular and sometimes very loud purrs. They are actually very funny.
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Purring in frightened cats
Some felines use purring to "comfort" themselves especially when they are frightened. Pay attention to different attitudes; a cat may purr but have its ears back.
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The well-being transmitted to humans
A purring cat keeps us calm and relaxed by making us forget the stress of the day.
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