My cat has lost his appetite: here are what could be the causes

The well-being and physical health of one's pet is a priority for many people, and a source of enormous stress if one notices that something is wrong. Indeed, seeing that one's pet is sick, not eating or playing will certainly worry all owners.

Especially for cats, who do not have the expressive power of dogs, it is often difficult to tell if something is wrong. Even if he suddenly stops eating, there may be no obvious external cause, so it is complicated to understand what to do.

The reasons why a domestic cat stops eating can be many, so don't worry. We have decided to show you the main ones. This way, if you notice similar behaviour, you will be able to react quickly and deal with the problem.

My cat has lost his appetite: here are what could be the causes
The well-being and physical health of one's pet is one of many people's priorities, and a source of enormous stress if one notices that something is wrong. In fact, seeing that one's pet is sick, not eating or playing will certainly make all owners worry. Especially for cats, who do not have the expressive power of dogs, it is often difficult to tell if something is wrong. Even in the case where he suddenly stops eating, there may be no obvious external causes, and therefore it is complicated to figure out what to do.The reasons why a domestic cat stops eating can be many, so don't worry. We have decided to show you the main ones. This way, if you notice similar behaviors, you will be able to react quickly and deal with the problem, especially by consulting your veterinarian.
Disease takes away appetite
Generally, you can tell that a cat is sick because it loses its appetite. For example, if he has blocked nostrils, and therefore no sense of smell available to him, he may not be as attracted to food as before. In most cases it is simply the flu or a normal cold.
It ingested something wrong
This point is mainly valid for cats that have a garden at their disposal, or for cats that like to go places. So, you cannot control everything they eat. Food poisoning, of course, takes away your kitty's hunger, so it will refuse food, even if hungry, until the problem is solved.
Fur bolus in the stomach
Cats are very clean animals, spending the vast majority of their time licking themselves. This act also has a genetic factor (eliminating their own odor to avoid predators), but nevertheless it carries risks. Not being able to spit, cats ingest hair that can go into a kind of ball in the stomach, the so-called bolus. The risk is greatest, for example, during molting periods. This hair bolus, going to get stuck in the intestines, can cause so many problems, including loss of appetite. Especially for cats with somewhat longer hair, it is always advisable to brush them often.
Recent vaccination
In the case of recent vaccination, one of the main symptoms is loss of appetite. So, if this is the case, don't worry too much: your kitten will be feeding again in no time. If this is not the case within a few hours or a few days at most, contact your vet if you notice symptoms such as lethargy, apathy and the like.
Too much heat takes away appetite
Just as we are not enticed to eat at 3 p.m. in the summer sun, cats are also sensitive to high temperatures, and this can cause a momentary loss of appetite. In fact, the cat sweats only through specific parts of its body, such as its fingertips and mouth, and has only its ears as a means of heat dispersal.
Sudden changes stress cats
Another reason why your cat stops eating may be sudden changes in their living condition. The two main examples are a move and the arrival of a new puppy, dog or cat or whatever, into the family. So here we are in the realm of psychological problems, and it is only a matter of time.
The location of the bowl
Cats like to eat alone, and demand their privacy at certain times. So, the place where the bowl is placed also makes a lot of difference in their appetite. For example, it is incorrect to place the food bowl near the litter box (would you eat in the bathroom, next to the toilet?). One way to entice your friend to eat is definitely to place the bowl in a secluded, quiet place where he can take his time.
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