Signs that reveal cat love, according to science

Humans love cats, but understanding whether our feline also loves us is not always easy.

Fortunately, science has managed to discover several signs that indicate when a cat is happy and feels closeness with its owner.

In this photo gallery, we will explore the ways in which the cat communicates its feelings and discover how science helps us to better understand our beloved pet. We will discover how body language and tail movements are just some of the cat's expressions of affection, and how understanding these signals can greatly improve our relationship with our four-legged friend.

Signs that reveal cat love, according to science
Humans love cats, but understanding whether our feline also loves us is not always easy. Fortunately, science has managed to discover several signs that indicate when a cat is happy and feels closeness with its owner. In this photo gallery, we will explore the ways in which the cat communicates its feelings and discover how science helps us to better understand our beloved pet. We will discover how body language and tail movements are just some of the cat's expressions of affection, and how understanding these signals can greatly improve our relationship with our four-legged friend.
It rubs on the leg
If your cat rubs its head or side against your legs, it identifies you as a friend; this is because cats have scent glands on their sides, head and around their ears that they use to identify familiar people and objects. (source:
Observe the tail
If the cat holds its tail upright, it is a signal of trust and affection; felines use these signals both with each other and with humans to indicate friendship and a desire to get closer. (source:
The look says it all
Research suggests that if cats blink their eyelashes slowly it could be a sign of trust, contentment and affection (source:
It gently approaches
If a cat allows you to approach them, this suggests a close bond, because cats are very selective and will only let you approach them if they trust you. (source:
Bedtime on your lap
If the cat sleeps next to you, or even on top of you, it means it is true love! (Source:
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