Firefighters rescue a dog at 2,400 meters altitude on the Gran Sasso mountain

Italian firefighters rescued a dog, which had slipped into a gully at an altitude of 2,400 metres, with the help of helicopter rescue workers from the Pescara flight department on the Gran Sasso, near the Duca d'Aosta refuge.

In the pictures, made available by the Italian fire brigade itself, the stages of the dog's recovery can be seen. Two rescuers descended onto the snowy mantle and proceeded to recover the animal, bringing it to safety on the helicopter.

The dog seems to be in good condition and will no doubt be happy to have been rescued.
The rescue at an altitude of 2,400 meters on the Gran Sasso
Italian firefighters rescued a dog, which had slipped into a gully at an altitude of 2,400 metres, with the help of helicopter rescue workers from the Pescara flight department on the Gran Sasso, near the Duca d'Aosta refuge.
The stages of the dog recovery
In the images, made available by the Italian firefighters themselves, the stages of the dog's recovery can be seen.
Everything went smoothly
Two rescuers descended onto the snowpack and proceeded to rescue the animal, bringing it to safety on the helicopter. The dog seems to be in good condition and will no doubt be happy to have been rescued.
Italian firefighters rescue a dog on the Gran Sasso
Images of the dog rescue.
Italian firefighters rescue a dog on the Gran Sasso
Images of the dog rescue.
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