Maine Coon, the record-sized cat

The Maine Coon is a record-breaking cat. In fact, its large size makes it one of the largest cats in the world.

Its special feature, however, is that although it is a very large cat, it is domestic and also has a fairly docile and sociable disposition. While female Maine Coon s weigh between 4 and 6 kilograms, male Maine Coon s also weigh over 10 kilograms.

The Maine Coon is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and is generally considered native to Maine, as its name suggests. The state of Maine, by the way, considers it its official cat.

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The record-sized cat
The Maine Coon is a record-breaking cat. In fact, its large size makes it one of the largest and most spectacular cats in the world.
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A large but tame and docile cat
What is special about Maine Coon, however, is that although it is a very large cat, it is domestic and also has a fairly docile and sociable disposition. While female Maine Coon s weigh between 4 and 6 kilograms, male Maine Coon s also weigh over 10 kilograms.
Official cat in Maine
The Maine Coon is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and is generally considered native to Maine, as its name suggests. The state of Maine, by the way, considers it its official cat.
The differences with the Norwegian of the forests.
The Maine Coon is often confused with the Norwegian Forest , but compared to the latter it differs in different nose features and head shape.
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How to take care of the Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is a sturdy, muscular cat and does not need much care, except for a few precautions. For example, it needs to be brushed often to remove excess fur.
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