Cow falls into a hole and is rescued, photos

The fire brigade of Campagnano di Roma (Italy) intervened to rescue five cows in distress.

One of the cows, in particular, had accidentally fallen into a hole from which it could no longer get out. With the help of a veterinarian, the rescue team managed to harness the animal and get it out safely.

All rescued animals were returned to their owner, who was present at the scene.

vigili del fuoco
Photos of the rescue of the cow that fell into the pit
Firefighters from Campagnano di Roma (Italy) responded to rescue five cows in distress.
vigili del fuoco
Photos of the rescue of the cow that fell into the pit
One of the cows, in particular, had accidentally ended up inside a hole from which it could no longer climb out. The others ended up on an embankment from which they were unable to climb back up.
vigili del fuoco
Photos of the rescue of the cow that fell into the pit
With the help of a veterinarian, the rescue team managed to harness the animal and get it out safely.
vigili del fuoco
Photos of the rescue of the cow that fell into the pit
All rescued animals were returned to the owner, who was present at the scene.
vigili del fuoco
Photos of the rescue of the cow that fell into the pit
For the cows, especially the one that fell into the pit, it was a bad experience that ended, fortunately, in the best of ways.
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