Not just the ability to change color: the amazing facts about chameleons

Immerse yourself in the mysterious world of chameleons, fascinating and incredibly adaptable creatures. 

With their vibrant colours and camouflaging abilities, these animals never cease to amaze. 

Follow their adventure as they camouflage themselves among the leaves of their habitat, becoming invisible to the eyes of predators. But their skills don't stop there: discover how they manage to change the colour of their skin to communicate, court or defend themselves. 

Let's discover together some interesting facts about chameleons that will make you reflect on the extraordinary diversity of nature.

Some extraordinary facts about chameleons
Immerse yourself in the mysterious world of chameleons, fascinating and incredibly adaptable creatures. With their vibrant colours and camouflaging abilities, these animals never cease to amaze. Follow their adventure as they camouflage themselves among the leaves of their habitat, becoming invisible to the eyes of predators. But their skills don't stop there: discover how they manage to change the colour of their skin to communicate, court or defend themselves. Let's discover together some interesting facts about chameleons that will make you reflect on the extraordinary diversity of nature.
Autor: Hans Bernhard (Schnobby) – Vlastní dílo, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The eye of the chameleon
The eyelids are fused and finely scaly, each eye can move independently - due to its structure, the eye of the chameleon is considered the evolutionary pinnacle of vertebrate visual organ development - the animal can see 360°, can turn its eyes vertically 90° and horizontally 180°. (Source: wikipedia)
A very long tongue
Chameleons do not have ears, just like snakes, and have a very long tongue. In some cases it reaches about twice the length of the body. (Source:
A quick way to catch prey
The tongue of a chameleon can be extended very quickly, with a spring-like effect. At the end, it has a suction cup that allows it to catch prey, which it then chews thanks to its serrated teeth. (Source:
Natural habitat
The continent where most chameleon species live is Africa, the 101 described species inhabit practically the entire African continent with the exception of the Sahara. Madagascar is home to 63 species of chameleons and all 31 known species of brookesiinae, a sub-family of these saurians.  Two species of chameleons are endemic to the Comoros, one to the Seychelles and one to Socotra. (Source: wikipedia)
Di Chiswick Chap - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus)
One of the most beautiful species is the Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus). This species of chameleon is one of the most common in captivity, and although it may be considered the easiest to keep, it is very important to know the right breeding method, (Source: wikipedia)
Autor: Norbert Sdunzik – Vlastní dílo, CC BY-SA 3.0,
In nature, the breeding season falls in September and October. The male and female scare each other with warning colours and snorts, the copulation itself lasting about 5 minutes. The Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) is oviparous and lays 20-70 eggs in 30-45 days after the female has mated in a 20 cm deep hole, which she covers after laying the eggs. The young develop in 150-200 days and are independent soon after hatching. (Source: wikipedia)
How does a chameleon change color?
The process is quite gradual; they do not change colour in a nanosecond as it might seem. This is possible due to the fact that under the transparent skin of the chameleons there are several layers of specialised cells. (Source:
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