Pet therapy, dogs supporting children in pediatric wards. Photos

Pet therapy has been used as a co-therapy alongside traditional therapies for quite some time now. It is not actual therapy but rather a pathway that can help the patient especially psychologically.

Pet therapy is effectively employed to support patients of all ages who are facing illnesses of various kinds. The presence of an animal -- dog, cat or other pet -- generally helps the patient to be more cooperative in following treatment plans, improves his or her mood and makes the course of treatment more bearable.

Thanks to animals, in short, human beings are able to benefit at a particularly difficult time in their lives.

What is the purpose of pet therapy
Pet therapy has been used as a co-therapy alongside traditional therapies for quite some time now. It is not actual therapy but rather a pathway that can help the patient especially psychologically.
The benefits
Pet therapy is effectively used to support patients of all ages who are facing a variety of illnesses. The presence of an animal -- dog, cat or other pet -- generally helps the patient to be more cooperative in following treatment plans, improves their mood and makes the course of treatment more bearable.
Pet therapy in an children's Italian hospital
Thanks to animals, in short, human beings are able to get benefits at a particularly difficult time in their lives.
Pat therapy in an children's Italian hospital
In the photos, Children's Hospital Regina Margherita in Turin is back to employing pet therapy in the ward thanks to a partnership with Fondazione Forma.
Pet therapy in an children's Italian hospital
In the photos, Children's Hospital Regina Margherita in Turin is back to employing pet therapy in the ward thanks to a partnership with Fondazione Forma.
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