Baby gorilla and fawn: the sweetness of an unexpected friendship that is moving the web

A Twitter user, Susanta Nanda, uploaded a sweet video to the platform in which a baby gorilla approaches and seeks interaction with a fawn.

In nature, different animal species often coexist without necessarily attacking each other. But when it comes to a baby gorilla and a fawn, their unexpected friendship is moving the web. Two animals of different size and temperament have found a unique way to coexist peacefully. This unusual friendship was captured in a video that is blowing up on social media, proving a big hit with animal lovers.

Here are photos capturing the most touching moments of the video that is making the rounds on the web. (Source: @susantananda3)

Baby gorilla and fawn: the sweetness of an unexpected friendship that is moving the web
A Twitter user, Susanta Nanda, uploaded a sweet video to the platform in which a baby gorilla approaches and seeks interaction with a fawn (baby deer). Here are photos capturing the most touching moments of the video that is making the rounds on the web. (Source: @susantananda3)
Baby gorilla and fawn: the sweetness of an unexpected friendship that is moving the web
A Twitter user, Susanta Nanda, uploaded a sweet video to the platform in which a baby gorilla approaches and seeks interaction with a fawn (baby deer). Here are photos capturing the most touching moments of the video that is making the rounds on the web. (Source: @susantananda3)
Baby gorilla and fawn: the sweetness of an unexpected friendship that is moving the web
A Twitter user, Susanta Nanda, uploaded a sweet video to the platform in which a baby gorilla approaches and seeks interaction with a fawn (baby deer). Here are photos capturing the most touching moments of the video that is making the rounds on the web. (Source: @susantananda3)
Baby gorilla and fawn: the sweetness of an unexpected friendship that is moving the web
A Twitter user, Susanta Nanda, uploaded a sweet video to the platform in which a baby gorilla approaches and seeks interaction with a fawn (baby deer). Here are photos capturing the most touching moments of the video that is making the rounds on the web. (Source: @susantananda3)
Baby gorilla and fawn: the sweetness of an unexpected friendship that is moving the web
A Twitter user, Susanta Nanda, uploaded a sweet video to the platform in which a baby gorilla approaches and seeks interaction with a fawn (baby deer). Here are photos capturing the most touching moments of the video that is making the rounds on the web. (Source: @susantananda3)
Baby gorilla and fawn: the sweetness of an unexpected friendship that is moving the web
A Twitter user, Susanta Nanda, uploaded a sweet video to the platform in which a baby gorilla approaches and seeks interaction with a fawn (baby deer). Here are photos capturing the most touching moments of the video that is making the rounds on the web. (Source: @susantananda3)
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