These signs indicate that the cat is healthy and could live a long time

Cats are fascinating and much-loved animals, but to keep them healthy and ensure a long and happy life, it is essential to know the signs that indicate their well-being.

In this photo gallery, we have collected some of the behaviours and physical characteristics that indicate that your cat is in good health and could live a long life.

From the amount of naps taken, to eating habits and the desire to play, we will help you identify some of those little signs that confirm that your cat is in great shape. Let's find out together!

These signs indicate that the cat is healthy and could live a long time
Cats are fascinating and much-loved animals, but to keep them healthy and ensure a long and happy life, it is essential to know the signs that indicate their well-being. In this photo gallery, we have collected some of the behaviours and physical characteristics that indicate that your cat is in good health and could live a long life. From the amount of naps taken, to eating habits and the desire to play, we will help you identify some of those little signs that confirm that your cat is in great shape. Let's find out together!
It wants to play
If your elderly feline still wants to play, it is a very good sign. Playing is essential for staying healthy and if your cat is looking for his toys it means it is well.
Still jumping well
If the cat is still jumping well, landing in the right way, without fear of injury, and especially without giving signs of distress, then there is peace of mind: the cat is healthy and could live much longer.
It is hungry and has a desire to eat
Cats love food, so if they do not eat you should be worried, because it is a sign that something is wrong; if your cat has lost all interest in food it is important to contact a vet immediately. A hungry cat, on the other hand, is a sign of a healthy, happy cat that could live a long time.
Good physical fitness
Maintaining an ideal weight is critical for health; get your cat on a balanced diet, and if it maintains an ideal weight it means it is doing well and could live a long time yet.
As cats, like humans, tend to change their behaviour slightly with age. Mind you, we are saying 'slightly'. In fact, despite old age, the cat should not change its behaviour completely. If this occurs, it may not be a good sign, in which case you should contact a vet. If, on the other hand, the cat maintains more or less the same attitude even as it ages, it means that it is healthy.
White teeth
White teeth means a healthy cat. If the teeth are white and firmly attached to the gums it is a very good sign that the cat will live a long time.
Right Rest
Every cat has its own personal sleep cycle, so it is good to keep an eye on when it decides to take a nap throughout its life. Based on our observation, the cat's breed and age, it is possible to tell whether it is getting the right amount of sleep. Too much sleep can be as big a problem as not enough sleep.
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