Park visitor takes live picture of the birth of a sloth, photo

Truly incredible and never-before-seen images come from the Natura Viva park in Bussolengo (Verona, Italy), where on 6 May, a visitor was able to film, live, the birth of a baby sloth. 

For the first time, a birth of this animal species was filmed during daylight hours. During the birth, the mother, Wendy, continued to hang from tree branches while her body supported the contractions.

This is the eighth sloth specimen born in this 2023, and the first and only one born in Italy so far this year.

ANSA foto
Park visitor takes live picture of the birth of a sloth, photo
Truly incredible and never-before-seen images come from the Natura Viva park in Bussolengo (Verona, Italy), where on 6 May, a visitor was able to film, live, the birth of a baby sloth. Although the fertile period lasts all year round, reproduction usually takes place between March and April.
ANSA foto
Park visitor takes live picture of the birth of a sloth, photo
For the first time, a daytime birth of this animal species was filmed. During the birth, the mother, Wendy, continued to hang from the tree branches while her body supported the contractions. Generally, the gestation period is about six months, at the end of which a single sloth, weighing about 300-500 grams, is born.
ANSA foto
Park visitor takes live picture of the birth of a sloth, photo
This is the eighth sloth specimen born in this 2023, and the first and only one born on Italian soil so far this year.
ANSA foto
Park visitor takes live photo of sloth birth, photo
The new arrival's name will be decided by the keepers of the Natura Viva park in a communication on social networks. The important news from the zoo is that the entire birth took place without any complications.
Di Stefan Laube (Tauchgurke) - Opera propria (Stefan Laube)Originally uploaded at
Park visitor takes live picture of the birth of a sloth, photo
Camillo Sandri, zoological director of the Natura Viva park, tells the story: 'Sloths live their lives almost entirely upside down in trees, including activities such as mating and giving birth. And our Wendy, already a mother of six and four times grandmother, gave us two very emotional minutes. By now an experienced mum, as always she conducted all the stages in total autonomy. As soon as her little one was almost fully born, she helped him up and placed him on her belly, from where he will watch the world for the next few weeks. Scientific literature tells us that a baby sloth weighs around 350 grams at birth and is about 25 centimetres long. For the time being, it will stay warm and suck milk firmly anchored to its mother'.
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