Four interesting facts about giraffes

The giraffe is the tallest land animal and the largest existing ruminant.

Its main features lie in its neck and legs, which appear extremely elongated and excellently able to handle the pressure inside the blood vessels.

Apart from this, also characteristic of the giraffe are the horn-like ossicles that appear on its head, and the beautiful large black eyes with long eyelashes. The characteristic spotted coat changes according to subspecies.

The characteristics of the giraffe
The giraffe is the tallest land animal and the largest existing ruminant. Its main features lie in its neck and legs, which appear extremely elongated and excellently able to handle the pressure inside the blood vessels. Apart from this, also characteristic of the giraffe are the horn-like ossicles that appear on its head, and the beautiful large black eyes with long eyelashes. The characteristic spotted coat changes according to subspecies.
The speed of the giraffe
When a giraffe is attacked, the first reaction it might have is to flee. In fact, the giraffe can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h. In addition to running away, however, this animal is also very good at defending itself, unleashing fast heat that could even kill a lion.
The "traumatic" birth of puppies
Baby giraffes come into the world in a 'traumatic' way: when they are born, they fall from a height of about one and a half metres. Fortunately, however, they are not injured and are already on their feet about an hour after birth.
The giraffe's tongue
The giraffe's tongue is about 50 centimetres long. Thanks to the fact that it is muscular, prehensile and covered in saliva, it is able to disentangle itself well among the thorns of acacia trees, whose flowers and leaves it loves.
The time devoted to rest
Giraffes tend to sleep standing up. They dedicate themselves to this activity for one or two hours a day at most, preferably dividing the time devoted to it into rests of about five minutes.
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