The very tender polar bear cub born at the Hamburg Zoo

Great news comes directly from Tierpark Hagenbeck, the zoo in Hamburg, Germany. Indeed, on 19 December 2022, Victoria, a female polar bear born in captivity, gave birth to a healthy cub.

After the first critical days, as is always the case with polar bears, the whole park was overjoyed by this second generation birth. In fact, the mother, Victoria, had also been born in captivity back in 2002, and this represents an extraordinary success for the German zoo.

A monitor will soon be installed in the polar bear enclosure so that all visitors can observe the cub inside the enclosure.

The very tender polar bear cub born at the Hamburg Zoo
Great news comes directly from Tierpark Hagenbeck, the zoo in Hamburg, Germany. Indeed, on 19 December 2022, Victoria, a female polar bear born in captivity, gave birth to a healthy cub.
The first few days are always critical for the cubs.
For polar bear cubs, the first few days are always very critical and need to be constantly monitored. In fact, cubs of this species are born almost naked, blind and deaf and weigh only about 900 grams.
The mother the last born in captivity
Dr Westhoff, Hagenbeck's zoological director, expressed great happiness about this birth. These are his statements: 'For Hagenbeck, this second-generation offspring is a huge breeding success and proof that our breeding efforts for this endangered species are paying off.
The first few months, mother and child were not disturbed
The mother, Victoria, has been very loving with her cub from the start. Thanks to a camera that monitors the carnivore's whelping den, keepers and veterinarians can monitor Victoria's behaviour. "The two spent the first months completely undisturbed in their den. Only recently did we cautiously make contact for the first time and visit the mother polar bear for a few minutes, but she was completely relaxed. Our first impression of the cub is very positive; it looks healthy, lively and alert.
Soon the public will also be able to admire the cub
It is not yet clear when visitors will be able to see the cubs. In any case, a monitor will soon be installed in the polar bear enclosure so that all visitors can observe the cub inside the enclosure.
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