The little spider monkey rejected by its mother and taken in by the Cali Zoo, photos

A heart-wrenching story comes straight from South America, specifically from Cali, Colombia. In the city's zoo, in fact, a baby spider monkey has been abandoned by its mother, and all the park staff are taking care of it instead.

The medical team has also taken charge of the education of this baby spider monkey, which without its mother and away from the herd will now need a lot of help over the coming months. 

The hope of everyone involved is that, thanks to the joint work of all park workers, this cub, whose name is Merida, can be reintegrated into the herd within a few months from now.

The little spider monkey rejected by its mother and taken in by the Cali Zoo, photos
A heart-wrenching story comes straight from South America, specifically from Cali, Colombia. In the city's zoo, in fact, a baby spider monkey has been abandoned by its mother, and all the park staff are taking care of it instead.
The little spider monkey rejected by its mother and taken in by the Cali Zoo, photos
The medical team also took charge of the upbringing of this little spider monkey specimen internally, who without his mother and away from the herd will now need a lot of help over the coming months.
The little spider monkey rejected by its mother and taken in by the Cali Zoo, photos
The hope of everyone involved is that, thanks to the combined efforts of all park workers, this puppy, whose name is Merida, can be reintegrated into the herd within a few months from now.
The little spider monkey rejected by its mother and taken in by the Cali Zoo, photos
Indeed, since her arrival, the zoo's entire team of professionals and veterinary doctors have provided her with all the necessary care around the clock in her education, given its young age.
The little spider monkey rejected by its mother and taken in by the Cali Zoo, photos
"In our area we have the joy of contributing to the care and conservation of different species, so with commitment and dedication we will continue our work of caring for life with passion." These are the words of Juliana Peña, head of the Cali Zoo's medical area in a video posted on Facebook by the facility's official page.
The little spider monkey rejected by its mother and taken in by the Cali Zoo, photos
The Cali Zoo is an environmental park, with a focus on native fauna, offering a unique experience of contact with natural and cultural wealth, for the enjoyment and awareness of the public of different ages and interests. It also deals extensively with endangered species.
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