These signs indicate that the cat needs to go to the vet urgently

Cats are wonderful animals and faithful companions, but like all living things, they may need occasional medical attention.

Although you may be a responsible and diligent cat lover, you may not always be able to identify the signs that indicate your cat needs immediate veterinary care.

That's why we created this photo gallery to help cat owners understand the signs that indicate it might be time to take their feline friend to the vet as soon as possible. (source: veterinaryemergencygroup)

These signs indicate that the cat needs to go to the vet urgently
Cats are wonderful animals and faithful companions, but like all living things, they may need occasional medical attention. Although you may be a responsible and diligent cat lover, you may not always be able to identify the signs that indicate your cat needs immediate veterinary care. That's why we created this photo gallery to help cat owners understand the signs that indicate it might be time to take their feline friend to the vet as soon as possible. (source: veterinaryemergencygroup)
Collapse or trouble waking up
A cat that suddenly faints or does not react to stimuli when it needs to be woken up (does not wake up) should be taken to the vet as a matter of urgency.
Difficult breathing
If the cat struggles to breathe and strains to do so, it must be taken to the vet immediately. If necessary, a change in the colour (tending to blue) of the tongue or gums can be checked.
Frequent episodes of vomiting occurring within a very short time (a few hours) are a sign that the cat may have a health problem, and must be treated immediately to avoid dehydration.
Accident/poisoning/heat stroke
It may seem obvious, but in the event of an accident (or even just a bad fall), suspected poisoning, or paralysis of one or more limbs, it is necessary to take the cat to the vet promptly.
Abdominal pain
Signs such as constantly arching the back or heavy breathing are signs that could indicate abdominal pain. Observe your cat for at least 30 minutes and if it continues to do so you should see an emergency vet.
Heat stroke
If the cat breathes with its mouth open or wheezes instead of breathing through its nose, this is a problem and should be assessed quickly by the vet.
Getty Images
Difficulty urinating
Cats that try to urinate and fail to produce urine or cry in pain when going to the litter box should visit the vet quickly, as this can be a life-threatening emergency.
Getty Images
It cries
If your cat cries when touched anywhere specific, you should take it to the vet soon to find out the cause.
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