Is sleeping with your dog good for your health? Here's what science says

Many people like to sleep next to their pets, partly because of their reassuring presence and the warmth they give off.

However, there are those who believe that this habit may be detrimental to their health. For this reason, the scientific community has sought to investigate this practice to determine whether or not it is really beneficial for us and for our four-legged friends.

In this photo gallery, we will explore scientific research on the topic of the effect sleeping with dogs has on human health to understand what the possible benefits are for human physical and mental health.

Is sleeping with your dog good for your health? Here's what science says
Many people like to sleep next to their pets, partly because of their reassuring presence and the warmth they give off. However, there are those who believe that this habit may be detrimental to their health. For this reason, the scientific community has sought to investigate this practice to determine whether or not it is really beneficial for us and for our four-legged friends. In this photo gallery, we will explore scientific research on the topic of the effect sleeping with dogs has on human health to understand what the possible benefits are for human physical and mental health.
Reduces depression
Recent studies have concluded that interaction with dogs reduced depressive symptoms. Sleeping with your dog helps you relax and increases the flow of oxytocin, the love chemical, reducing symptoms of depression. (Source:
Reduces insomnia
According to studies, having a dog in bed can help alleviate insomnia by mitigating anxiety and modifying hyperexcitement and hypervigilance. This creates a better mood and environment for the sleep, which can help combat insomnia. (source:
Increases the sense of security
According to some studies, the presence of a pet in bed positively affects women's sleep quality; this is because its presence makes women feel safer, protected. (Source:
Decreases loneliness
Recent studies show that many people, particularly those who sleep alone, benefit from the company of a dog, which reduces feelings of loneliness. (Source:
Reduces stress
According to science, the presence of one's pet reduces stress and anxiety levels through the release of oxytocin, a chemical that reduces stress and improves mood. It can also help reduce heart rate, lower the stress chemical cortisol, and ultimately help you sleep better at night. (Source:
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